MyOrganizer Ultimate 7

Simplify Your Life with Organization Software

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MyOrganizer Ultimate 7
Close-up of an open note.
Easily track business and personal contacts.
Set alarms to remind you in advance of upcoming events.
Print monthly schedules.

  • Complete Personal Organization Tool
  • Track Expenses & Generate Reports
  • Password Manager & Web Form Filer
  • Sync with PDAs
  • BONUS! MyLabel Designer Special Edition

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30 Day Money Back Guarantee Secure Online Ordering. Our Systems are tested daily by McAfee and secured by SSL Secure Online Ordering

MyOrganizer Ultimate 7 is the perfect personal organization utility for home and office use. Set up appointments, keep track of business and personal contacts, attach photos, send emails, create to-do lists, keep notes and even track your expenses with built-in reporting. With a simple, easy-to-use interface and the ability to synchronize your data with Palm and Pocket PC devices, MyOrganizer Ultimate 7 is the best way to organize your daily life.

Complete Personal Organization Tool
Simplify your life and save valuable time. With a day planner, to-do lists, address book, notebook and journal, expense reports, schedule ticker, password organizer, form filer, sticky notes, world clocks, 250 calendar layouts, and more, MyUltimateOrganizer ensures that your life is organized at all times!

Organization Tool Sticky notes

Organize Your Life

MyUltimateOrganizer makes it easier than ever to track business and personal contacts, keep appointments, manage to-do lists, prioritize tasks, monitor expenses, synchronize with your PDA, track important dates, and more.

Address Book

Easier Scheduling

Schedule all your meetings, calls, appointments, and events. MyUltimateOrganizer lets you see your appointments in multiple views, including daily, weekly or monthly, and even allows you to add recurring events, such as meetings or calls. Drag and drop controls make it even easier to reschedule and change appointments.


Track Expenses & Generate Reports

Effortlessly manage and monitor all your business and personal expenses. MyUltimateOrganizer automatically categorizes and sorts them for you for easy viewing. You can even generate professional expense reports and stay on top of your expenses.

Password Manager & Web Form Filer

Do you constantly forget your password or login information? MyUltimateOrganizer completely automates passwords and logs you in automatically. Quickly fill in long registration and checkout forms with one click. Passwords are even encrypted for maximum protection.

Easy Printing

Quickly and easily print calendar, envelopes, and labels. You can print daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly calendars.

Daily Calendar Weekly Calendar Monthly Calendar
System Requirements Back to the top
Version 7
  • Windows 10
  • Pentium 500 MHz processor or higher
  • 128 MB RAM
  • 50 MB free hard-disk space
  • 16 bit color depth graphics card
  • Internet access for updates (recommended)
  • Internet Explorer 4 or higher
Competitive Advantage Back to the top
  • Web Form AutoFill feature
  • Attach photos to contacts
  • 3D Animated Globe of World Clock
  • Link notes and contacts to multiple projects
  • Free label designer software - $20 value!
COMPARE!MySoftware MyOrganizer Ultimate 7Individual Software AnyTime Organizer
View Day, Weekly & Monthly Calendars X X
Built-in Address Book X X
Web Password Manager X X
Manage and Track Your Expenses X X
Synchronize with PDAs X X
Web Form AutoFill Feature X  
Attach Photos to Contacts X  
AutoSave Internet Explorer Toolbar X  
3D Animated Globe of World Clock X  
Link Notes and Contacts to Multiple Projects X  

Screenshots Back to the top